
October weather in New England is unpredictable! We’ve experienced it all during HOCR. Who can forget the legendary HOCR several years ago when it SNOWED. That’s why you should plan to dress in layers.

1. Wear comfortable, warm layers of clothing. Check the weather forecast before you leave your house. You will be standing and walking for much of your shift, and it will all be outdoors. We do not have any covered shelter. Be prepared for the possibility of cold, rain and mud. Please bring waterproof footwear, clothing that you think will keep you comfortable throughout your shift, hats, gloves, and hand warmers (available at sporting goods stores). Do not wear flip-flops! We will also ask you to wear your volunteer premium on top of your other layers. (“volunteer premium” is code for the vest or jacket that you get for volunteering)

2. Bring any snacks and drinks you’ll need to get through your shift. Bring a reusable water bottle, there will be filling stations through the course. If you know you’ll need coffee, please bring a thermos. If you’ll need an energy bar or two, bring them. If you sometimes need an inhaler or other medications when you’re in the outdoors and working, please bring them. Lunch will be served to all volunteers. Let us stress that you may want to bring snacks for yourselves. Lunches take some time to be delivered.

3. Bring your cell phone. We may need to contact you or you may need to contact us throughout the weekend, or you may need to call 911 in the event of an emergency.

4. Leave your valuables at home. We are NOT able to provide secure storage. Please leave your valuables hidden in your car, with a friend at the Regatta, or at your home.

5. Bring your positive attitude and good cheer! Volunteers serve as HOCR ambassadors all weekend. Please familiarize yourself with the HOCR volunteer code of conduct: https://www.hocr.org/volunteers/volunteer-code-of-conduct/